PSN Polytechnic College
PSN Polytechnic College


PSNPC is committed to provide socially relevant and value-added professional education to Engineering, Technology, Computer Applications, and Management students and continually improve all the services provided by the institution to enlighten all the interested parties.

PSN Polytechnic College
PSN Polytechnic College
PSN Polytechnic College


The prime aim of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the college.

The IQAC will provide greater clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement.

The IQAC will contribute towards enhancement and integration among the activities of the college and institutionalize many good practices.

PSN Polytechnic College
PSN Polytechnic College

Internal Quality Assurance Cell

PSN Polytechnic College


IQAC of PSN Polytechnic College meets regularly once in six months and takes up issues related to quality as envisaged by NAAC. The proceedings are documented and it is given online.